Friday, March 30, 2012

moving and renaming a file

I have a DTS package that I currently execute manually. This DTS package
reads a text file and imports it into a table.
I would like to have it run automaticly.
For that to work correctly, it would need to check to see if the txt file is
there (the name is always teh same), if it is not there, then to quit. If
it is there, to read and import it as normal, then once completed, for it to
rename teh file and move it to another location on teh computer.
How do I do that?I'd use ActiveXScipt and the FileSystemObject. Here is some sample code:
Function Main()
dim fso, source, dest, oldFile
set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
source = "\\myBox\FAAIVR\BENEFIT_GROUP_INFO.txt"
oldFile = replace(source, ".txt", "_" & replace(date - 7, "/","_") & ".txt")
if (fso.FileExists(source)) then
dest = replace(source, ".txt", "_" & replace(date, "/","_") & ".txt")
fso.MoveFile source, dest
end if
if (fso.FileExists(oldFile)) then
fso.DeleteFile (oldFile)
"Johnfli" wrote:
> I have a DTS package that I currently execute manually. This DTS package
> reads a text file and imports it into a table.
> I would like to have it run automaticly.
> For that to work correctly, it would need to check to see if the txt file is
> there (the name is always teh same), if it is not there, then to quit. If
> it is there, to read and import it as normal, then once completed, for it to
> rename teh file and move it to another location on teh computer.
> How do I do that?

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